Student and cell phone hanger image by Associated Press

On March 10, Associated Press journalist, Jocelyn Gecker, published an article regarding student cell phone use while in the classroom. Gecker in, Why you should stop texting your kids at school, takes the position that, "Parents are distressingly aware of the distractions and the mental health issues associated with smartphones and social media. But teachers say parents might not realize how much those struggles play out at school."

"One culprit? Mom and Dad themselves, whose stream-of-consciousness questions add to a climate of constant interruption and distraction from learning. Even when schools regulate or ban cellphones, it’s hard for teachers to enforce it. And the constant buzzes on watches and phones are occupying critical brain space regardless of whether kids are sneaking a peek."

"A few changes in parents’ behavior can help make phones less distracting at school. Here’s what teachers and experts recommend. TRY IT: STOP TEXTING YOUR KID AT SCHOOL."