Retiring teacher Lisa Werthman and Scott Nanik courtesy of Rodger Orman

The District recognized three people during the regularly scheduled Governing Board meeting on Monday, May 6. The first honoree was Lisa Werthman, who is scheduled to retire at the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year after 22 years with the District. Ms. Werthman began her employment with Bret Harte in the 2001-02 school year and has served as the special education department chair since 2016. After teaching special education for 30 years, Lisa plans to travel, garden, spend time with family, and catch up on her reading.

Gordon Sadler, long-time math teacher, will retire after 35 years with the District. "Sadler," as he is often referred to by students and his peers, has worn many hats over the years since he came to Bret Harte in the 1989-90 school year. The list includes football head coach, baseball head coach, field or throwing coach, club advisor, graduation orchestrator, football game clock keeper, best dressed for spirit days, and the list continues... He was recognized as teacher of the year by his peers in 2019 and served briefly as department chair. In addition, he previously served as president, vice president, and negotiations chair for the local California Teachers Association union. After a total of 36 years of teaching high school math, Gordon plans to spend his retirement catching up with missed time with his wife, Elaine.

Graduating senior, valedictorian, and the Board's student representative, Aurora Lewis, was recognized for her service this past school year. Lewis plans to attend Williams College in Massachusetts to further her academic goals and compete in track and field.

Photos courtesy of Dr. Orman.